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Ah, yes, Scott! Isn't it a wonderful world?
Just think about it. We have polluted the atmosphere, the oceans, and rivers and streams to a greater extent during the last century than in all of previous human history. We have exterminated more species in the past century than in all of previous human history. We have jailed more criminals in the past century than in all of previous history. The products you extol so much have injured and maimed more people in the last century than in all of previous human history. And we have killed more human beings in the past century than in all of previous human history.
Ah, yes, Scott, isn't it a wonderful world?
Pollyannas see it so because they look at it with one eye closed. Nothing gets better by bragging about it. Only when we see and admit our faults are we apt to do something to better things. Perhaps we should be ashamed of our actions rather than thankful for our blessings. If we did that, chances are that in time, we would become truly blessed. (To Scott Burns 11/25/2004)