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Ideology, Anyone?
The Constitution's Callousness
Killing your own People
Civilization at a Standstill
Pith or Myth? Who are we anyway?
Making Promises that cannot be Kept
Making the World Over in America's Image
Neo-Napoleonic War
The stupidity of belief
The American Mammonological Crookonomy
Omnicidal Species
How the U.S.Courts Abet Societal Conflict
The Human Aversion to Doing the Right Thing
Yearning for the Past: Is Human Society Regressing?
Despotism, Neoliberalism and the "Chilean Miracle"
What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Men
Humanity: The Able but Unwilling Species
The Mentality of Brutality
"Talking Trash": War, Economic Crisis and the Lies of History
The Judas Race: America's Wars and Organized Religion
Economics and Armchair Psychology
Legalized Injustice:
Capitalism as Disease: Spreading Governmental Tyranny and Gun Violence (The Tragedy of Being Human: A Mean Spirit)
The Real New World Order. Bankers Taking over the World
Violence: The American Way of Life
Democracy's Sickness Unto Death ("Diseases of Faction": Real Democracy on its Deathbed )
Retributive Warfare-Mistaking Killing and Revenge for Justice
Fraudulent Educational Reform in America
The Short, Miserable Life of American Prosperity
SCOTUS and the Rule of Flaw
How the Economy Works: The Necessity of Crime
Governments Exist to Further the Interests of Favored Groups: We the People are Never the Favored Group
The History of Knowledge: Darkness in the Academy
Vendor Arithmetic-Underhanded Capitalism
Treacherous Treaties
Is Adam Smith's Invisible Hand a Pickpocket?
Economic Models and the Apologetics of Greed
The Crisis of Education in America: "How to Become a Serf"
Instruments of Repression
The Why of Not Doing the Right Thing: The American Legal System: A Ball Game Played by Lawyers and Jurists
America's Descent to Depravity
The Triumph of Capitalism: Jobless Nations
The Shamans among us: A World of Perpetual Conflict
Disintegrating Economic Recovery
Humanity at the Crossroads: Business and Jobs
(Land of the Fee and the Home of the Knave) Money and The Truth about America
The Supreme Court, the Constitution, and the First Amendment
Liberty's Easy Slide into Tyranny
A Revolting World
Demented Democracy
Can America Be Changed?
The Media in America: Selling Views, Calling it News
America's Next Failure: the Police State
Western Civilization and Classical Economics: The Immorality of Austerity
The Mythical United States of America: Rushing into Backwardness
As Western Civilization Lies Dying
The Triumph of Evil
Why the Wars can't be Won
Linguistic Nonsense and Liberal Economics
Corpulent Country
The Collapsing Western Way of Life
The Psychopathic Criminal Enterprise Called America
Knowledge, Truth and Human Action: America Hits the Wall
Specie, Script, and War: The Contradictory Practices of the Global Economic System
The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Last Gasp of a Moribund Civilization
Nation of Laws and Lawlessness: America is Policing Itself and the World
The Disintegration of Fractured Democracies
The Supreme Court's "Make Believe Law"
Educational Reform or Ineptitude?
Economic and Social Crisis in America: Burglarious Stimulus
Indicting the Supreme Court
The Myth of Business Friendly Legislation
Morality and Economics-A Critical Review of Joseph E. Stiglitz's Writings
Blunder and Plunder
The Long Decline of the American Economy
The American Kleptocratic Necrocracy
Crisis of America's Healthcare System
Is 'Executive Privilege' Undemocratic
The Cheney Gene
The Constitution Never Had a Chance
An Immoral Economic System -Corruption permeats the US political system
Gross National Product (GNP): How is it Calculated? What does it Measure?
Ignorance in America
Whose Country is it anyway?
Can America be Fixed?
Conservatives Leading the World Headlong into the 18th Century
Global Crisis: Is Economics Rational?
Economic Crisis: No, this will not be a Normal Cyclical Recovery
The Flaw of Supply and Demand
The Irrelevance of Economists
Models and Pseudo-models-Economists' Artifice
Capitalism Snuffs out the Age of Enlightenment's Candle
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