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It has been reported that Dick Lamm, the former Governor of Colorado, gave a speech on how to destroy America at an immigration overpopulation conference in Washington, DC. His eight ways to destroy America are,
First turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country.
Second, invent 'multiculturalism' and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture, make it an article of belief that all cultures are equal.
Third, make the United States an 'Hispanic Quebec.'
Fourth, make our fastest growing demographic group a second underclass, unassimilated, undereducated, and antagonistic to our population.
Fifth, get big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money.
Sixth, enable dual citizenship and promote divided loyalties.
Seventh, make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of 'diversity.'
Eighth, censor Victor Hanson Davis's book Mexifornia.
I haven't read Mexifornia and even if doing all eight of these things would
destroy the American Dream, Mr. Lamm puts the blame for the destruction in the
wrong place. The immigrant is not the problem.
The African who was
captured, bound, and shipped to America to be sold as a slave was not
responsible for the practice. White Americans in business and government were.
The same is true for the Latinos, Asians, Arabs, and others who have immigrated
to this country either legally or illegally.
Why do they come? Because
they believe America presents them with economic opportunities. Why does it do
that? Because American business wants it that way and American business gets
what it wants. Remember Calvin Coolidge? "The business of America is business."
And to get what it wants, business corrupts the Congress and state legislatures.
We have been led to believe that business lobbying is protected by the
Constitution. It is not. The Constitution provides, "the right of the people . .
. to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Petitioning
for special favors is not a Constitutionally protected right.
There are
only two ways to solve the problem of immigration. Either prohibit the
employment of illegal immigrants and enforce this prohibition rigorously, or
develop the economies of the nations from which these immigrants come. American
business doesn't want the nation to do either. American business wants cheap
labor, both here and abroad. That's why immigrants find jobs here, and that's
why American businesses offshore employment to third world nations.
anyone really believe that Latinos or the people of any other nation would come
to this country if they could make decent livings in their homelands?
American business, with the help of the American government, has
exploited the people of Latin America since day one, and it is now in the
process of exploiting the peoples of other parts of the world. As a result, the
vast majority of Americans of every race are getting poorer, and the nation's
foreign policies that support American business are bleeding us dry, both
literally and financially.
The result? Tell Governor Lamm we are doomed,
the American Dream is already a nightmare, and the melting pot never got hot
enough to melt anything. Immigrants have had nothing to do with it. American
politicians and businessmen have done it, continue to do it, will resist any
effort to change it, and railing at immigrants will have no effect at all.