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News Release: "According
to an April 10-13, 2006, Gallup Poll, 23% of Americans approve of the job
Congress is doing, while 70% disapprove. The current approval score is slightly
below the 25%-27% range seen since January. The current 23% approval rating
for Congress is a near-record low for the institution. Gallup's trend for this
question, which started in 1974, shows lower approval scores on only three other
occasions: October 1994 (21%), March 1992 (18%), and June 1979
News Release: "Americans do
not see one party as more corrupt than the other. An overwhelming majority of
respondents - 73 percent - agreed with the statement that 'politicians of both
parties in Washington today are corrupt.'"
I can't speak for others,
but if I were a member of Congress and saw these polls, I would be too ashamed
to show my face in public. Yet our Congressmen seem to have no shame at all. How
come? Doesn't it make you wonder why they run for office?If they claim that they want
to serve their country, they are obviously failing. The country doesn't need
Congressmen who are failures at their jobs.
It appears to me that there
are only two possible answers to the question. Either they know that they are
such incompetent idiots that they could not hold down any real jobs, not even
one requiring mere manual labor, or else they are in Congress to line their own
pockets, fully knowing that they do not have to be concerned with being ousted
from office, because they have fudged the electoral system to make that almost
impossible. And even if by some unlikely chance one is defeated, he knows he
will be replaced by someone else just like him, because only corrupt
incompetents tun for Congressional seats. (4/17/2008)
2006, John Kozy