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logo    Michael Jackson Memorial Day

The almost incessant media coverage of Michael Jackson's tragic and untimely death appears to be coming to a close. Honor and disrepute, rumor and insinuation, praise and blame, speculation and theorization but little new information have filled our ears and eyes.

Michael had unique and exceptional talents. He certainly deserves to be honored. But he also lived a life made tragic by the very people who are now wallowing in this orgy. The paparazzi are, after all, merely the media's hired guns. They turned Michael's life, from youth till death, into days of torment. If the media hadn't bought their smut, Michael's life may have been far more congenial and his untimely death may have been avoided. But the media accepts no blame.

Those in the media who once reviled this poor man and who are now genuflecting in his honor are the most despicable human beings in America. Their desire for ratings driven by scandal has long superceded any desire to report anything truthfully. They have uncritically reported the government's prevaricating justifications for this nation's involvement in unjust wars that have resulted in the deaths of millions of perfectly innocent people, they parrot the establishment's claims made to justify preposterous and unworkable programs, they neglect entirely to report the attempts by others to reveal the truth, and they played a large role in destroying the life of Michael Jackson. This is America's free press. This freedom it enjoys is paid for with the lives of others.

Michael is gone. He had no peace in life, and it is unlikely that the media will allow him to rest in peace in death. Hell hath no pain greater than that which can be inflicted by media moguls whose only goal is to turn tragedy into orgies of entertainment. This media now feigns honor, but the authentic honor comes only from his fans who displayed true civility and profound humanity during his memorial service, proving once again that true virtue lies only within the hearts of common people. (7/8/2009)